Blocked Santa

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Every year at this time, a story about the adventures of Nicholas (Santa) appears on our blog. Unfortunately, this year there is not much to write about - it turned out that Santa Claus was in quarantine. Such is a strange fate and a year. But don't worry, a whole year of being polite won't be wasted. The factory is operating at full capacity. However, there is no need to look for reindeer on the roof and prepare cookies on the fireplace. Santa is grounded. This year you should look for couriers.

Worried, we inform you that Santa is doing well. Elves and reindeer too. Since he cannot go out into the world alone, he decided to make a small renovation at home and in the factory.

What does Santa do
Well, Santa is renewing it. It replaces windows and covers. I want large windows so that it is bright everywhere. Apparently, windows are to appear even in the reindeer stable.

Well, but when the windows are large, there are also new covers; no way out. Lapland Lapland, but the sun is shining there too. And when it bounces off the snow, you can't see anything at all. That's why it's time to buy what appears in the windows. Santa wants to make himself a Santa gift.

It turned out, however, that the matter is not that simple.

What to choose
The matter is not easy, because everyone has a different idea. Santa likes wood, so he wants wooden blinds. Elves are a bit vain, so they want photographic film (preferably with your photo). Mrs. Claus likes curtains and believes that they create a very warm atmosphere during long winter evenings. Reindeer, however, like the day/night blinds - they saw a zebra once and liked the stripes.

What to do? Nothing, just everyone will get what they dream about. Fortunately, everything can be made to measure. In Santa's house, all dreams come true. 199 elves live in the factory - each has a beautiful photo-roller with his image in the window. However, they made a small compromise and agreed to external roller shutters in the factory. This is a good safeguard for gifts made there. Mrs. Claus is happy with the beautiful curtains; the whole living room is colorful and cozy. In the privacy of his office, Santa Claus has wooden blinds, now he can easily read our letters, even when the sun's rays are sparkling outside in the snow.

And the reindeer? Reindeer keep turning the day / night roller blinds in order to be able to create different positions of the stripes on them. They shoot and dream that in a year they can normally go sleigh over Africa and watch zebras again.

Santahimself dreams about it, reading letters coming from all over the world.

It remains to be polite in the hope that in a year this wish will come true ...


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