Internal window covers - protection against heating

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Calendar summer has started and the weather outside inspires optimism. During this time, it is worth taking care of effective protection of the interior against heating, because while we like sunny weather very much, an unpleasantly heated house is less. It is through the window panes that the most heat gets into the interior. Their covers can therefore effectively lower the temperature inside.

Internal window covers are not only meant to cool the rooms during hot weather. Their role is also to tastefully emphasize the interior design. A large selection of products in this category allows you to match the cover to the appearance of the interior while providing protection against overheating.

Inner paneling style

Here there are classic blinds and shutters and curtains. Blinds and Venetian blinds are installed in the window space, so they blend in perfectly with it. On the other hand, the curtains form a frame around it - it is worth emphasizing it, because in small interiors it may be a disadvantage, reducing the interior optically. Therefore, if there are curtains in a small interior, they should be smooth and in light colors.

Curtains and blinds / shutters, when closed, will shade the interior and make the temperature inside will be noticeably lower than outside. The curtains blend in nicely with large and spacious interiors. They can cover large glass surfaces. The advantage of larger curtains is the possibility of installing electric curtain rails, which make it easier to move the fabric. For larger spaces, you can also choose a darker color and a thicker material, which will be an even better barrier to the sun.

Among the roller shutters and blinds you can find many interesting design solutions. Day / night roller blinds are a very decorative cover consisting of two layers of material - transparent and opaque. By moving the material, the amount of light falling inside is regulated, but it is noteworthy that the cover creates decorative stripes. The visual effect is very interesting. Wooden blinds and Roman blinds are an ideal solution in interiors created in minimalist styles, where natural accessories are important. The Roman blind is made of materials identical to the curtains. Its fabric is supported by special muntins (thin sewn-in slats) so the whole thing is arranged nicely. Wooden blinds are slightly thicker than aluminum blinds, which affects their effectiveness in protecting rooms against heating, but also their weight. With a larger size of this type of blinds, it is worth taking care of the help of a professional assembly team due to the weight of the blinds. You can also opt for bamboo wooden blinds, which are lighter.


As the interior covers must match the style of the interior design, they should also match it in terms of color. There is an extensive color palette in each category of roller shutters, blinds or curtains. The choice is composed so that the color of the cover can be easily matched to the interior design of the rooms.

Interiors are designed in various styles, and the elements related to the window cover can be either a color accent or a nice background for the whole. However, it is worth remembering that in smaller rooms, the madness of colors and decorative patterns may reduce them optically. The window space can dominate the interior and overwhelm it if the color of the cover is too expressive.


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