Ways to shade the garden

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Home gardens or suburban plots are places where summer time passes pleasantly. Green and sunny weather are conducive to rest. However, not always large enough trees grow in them to make a part of the garden shaded. Such a sun-protected space is important for both our comfort and safety. The intense sun and high temperature in the afternoon can be a nuisance, so it is worth taking care of shading part of the garden.

Awnings or pergolas are perfect here. The advantage of this type of product is that it can create a shaded space in hot weather, but when it is colder outside, this space can be exposed again. High-quality materials are resistant to weather conditions and retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time. In addition, the choice of colors makes it easy to match the facade and does not disturb the appearance of the house and garden.

The garden is meant to be a place of relaxation, but nothing should disturb its aesthetics and harmony of nature. That is why both awnings and pergolas have been designed in such a way that they blend in nicely with the house and garden. Each house and garden has its own individual style, therefore these products differ in character and have a variety of colors.


Awnings is a product category for shading terrace surfaces; they are mounted to the wall of the house. Thanks to them, the terrace can be a place that tastefully connects the house with the garden. The living room naturally expands. The variety of garden furniture and all accessories, such as textiles or lighting, makes it possible to create a cozy place for relaxation. At the same time, being in the fresh air becomes pleasant regardless of the prevailing heat.

Awnings protect against the sun and light rain (waterproof fabrics are also available). The awning fabric is stretched manually or automatically. Its dimensions are marked when placing the order, while the description specifies the maximum size. The colors can be matched to the entire facade or the style of the house. If it is, for example, a summer house located near the city, you can opt for a material with colorful stripes. If, on the other hand, the façade and the garden are kept in a minimalist convention, you can choose a single-color fabric.


In case of pergolas you can choose between two product categories - a wall-mounted pergola or a free-standing pergola. The wall unit performs the same function as the awning; shades the terrace space. Special feathers are used for this, which can be closed or positioned vertically, or a special fabric.

The free-standing pergola can stand on the terrace or anywhere in the garden. Before installation, check whether it will be necessary to prepare the substrate. Thanks to the pergola, you can create a shaded corner in a selected part of the garden. It can be a place for relaxation or meetings at the table, or a combination of both, because the pergolas can be combined modularly. This will create an area that can be divided into a dining area and a rest area. In the product description, check whether the given type of pergola has the option of modular connection. The colors are kept in the universal color palette, so that it can aesthetically blend in with the home and garden.

An additional advantage of the pergola is the built-in LED lighting, thanks to which you do not have to think about lighting the space under the pergola after dark.


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