The Autumn is looking through your windows

So the Autumn is here, you cannot spread the time and stop the Summer from going away. But is this Autumn really so bad? The weather may not spoil you -...
More »Rising bills for heating make us think more and more about how to keep the heat in the house without having to spend more and more money for this purpose. One of the most effective ways to improve thermal comfort is to invest in roller shutters. However, before we start thinking about which of them are the most attractive, we should ask ourselves a few questions about thermal insulation and thermal modernization.
It is difficult to talk about preventing heat loss without explaining what thermal insulation actually is. This term, used interchangeably with the term thermal insulation, tells us what the ability of a particular property to hold heat is. The better the thermal insulation of the building, the less heat escapes to the outside. This improves the comfort of staying in it, and at the same time contributes to the fact that the heat stays inside for longer.
Unfortunately, while in new buildings much attention is paid to thermal insulation issues, in the older ones the problem is serious, because there has been neglect over the years. When talking about counteracting heat losses, it is impossible not to mention thermomodernization. This term means investing in thermal insulation to raise its level. Thermomodernization is initially associated with certain expenses. However, it is worth remembering that at some stage it begins to bring financial benefits.
Of course, there is not only one factor that would affect the thermal performance of a building. This one is the result of:
Talking about thermal insulation would not be complete if we did not mention the heat transfer coefficient described by the U value and given in W / (m²K). Today it is one of the most important parameters that we deal with in construction. Its value is both in the case of single-family houses and buildings inhabited by several dozen or several hundred people, although in the former, heat losses from the rooms are most noticeable. Today we are dealing with regulations that clearly define what the highest heat transfer coefficient can be. Of course, the lower it is, the better, because it means less heat loss, and thus also more affordable heating bills.
The thermal insulation of windows is influenced by at least several factors. There is no question of those that we could consider less important than others. Thus, warm windows consist of a sash frame, door frame, glass and fittings, and any neglect may contribute to the fact that heat will quickly escape through them. It is difficult to talk about those components of windows that are more important than others. When dreaming of warm windows, attention should be paid to:
Even when investing in the best windows, we may have a problem with keeping the room warm. So let's look for a solution that can strengthen their functionality. One of the most interesting roller shutters turns out to be. Mentioning them as a way to keep the heat in the house often comes as a surprise. It is true that external window blinds have been no surprise to anyone for a long time, but they are thought of primarily as a solution that allows you to increase the safety of household members.
Installation and proper use of external roller shutters gives measurable benefits. The building gains an additional cover that protects it against heat loss, and thus the heating costs are reduced. Especially spectacular benefits can be seen in the winter months, when the blinds significantly reduce the bills. As if that were not enough, thanks to external roller shutters, we can also talk about minimizing the risk of cold getting into a specific room. Warm air accumulates in the space between the glass and the roller shutter, so an additional protective layer appears. The construction of the roller shutters itself, especially the lamellas filled with polyurethane foam, may contribute to the improvement of the thermal insulation properties of the building.
The thermal insulation of roller shutters is not always equally high. If you want to increase the thermal insulation of a building through their use, it is worth getting acquainted with the most popular types and the specificity of the next ones.
The most classic division of roller shutters is the one that talks about flush-mounted and surface-mounted models.
They are put on objects that are still under construction. Of course, nothing prevents you from using them also in existing buildings, but the installation of flush-mounted roller shutters is then much more complicated and must take into account some modifications that occur within the lintel. The hallmark of this group of roller shutters is the groove located on the front of the box. Its advantage is the possibility of making any plastering treatment. The design of the guides also means that they can be, at least partially, built-in. What's more, the offer includes flush-mounted roller shutters, the guides of which allow for additional insulation of the lintel. Flush-mounted roller shutters are often considered to be more modern, they are also eagerly chosen by those who want the window cover to give the impression of an integral part of the building.
They are also called adaptive and are used primarily when you want to additionally protect an already existing building. Their assembly is quite simple and usually does not require any special preparations. This type of roller shutters is not integrated with the window, so we do not have to worry about interfering with the building's condition. Depending on the model, they are mounted both in the window recess and on the wall.
Of course, although the division mentioned above is the one that is used most often, it is not the only one we deal with. A criterion that is often used is also the one that relates to how the shutters are lowered and raised. Older models are usually regulated manually, in newer ones, however, an electric drive is used, and thus they can be controlled using a remote control or even an application installed in a mobile phone.
As a rule, flush-mounted roller shutters are the ones with a higher level of thermal insulation in the building. However, it is worth remembering that this is not a rule. Much depends on the quality of specific window covers, the method of their installation, as well as the care with which their individual components were made.
People looking for information on the cost of external roller shutters may feel disappointed because estimating it is not easy at all. The price list depends primarily on their quality and type, although it is also important how many roller blinds are ordered from one producer. Of course, when planning the purchase of external roller shutters, it is also good to think about their professional installation. You can opt out of it by installing the roller blind yourself, but it involves the risk of lowering the quality of this type of solution.
Surface-mounted roller shutters, also called facade shutters, can be built not only in unfinished houses, but also in buildings that are already inhabited. They cannot be built over, and thus are quite eye-catching solutions. However, they are not too expensive. The situation is slightly different when it comes to concealed roller shutters. These can be used primarily in new construction, and the costs associated with their assembly can be reduced by taking into account a specific solution while designing the house. Knall offers such blinds from 100 GBP. Roller shutters can also be equipped with additional amenities. Therefore, for example, models equipped with a mosquito net are appearing more and more often on sale. These can be purchased by spending about 200 GBP.
If, when buying external roller shutters, we want to keep the heat in the house, we should first consider models made to measure. The manufacturer offering such solutions selects them in terms of very specific guidelines of their client. Such blinds appear primarily as more visually attractive than classic solutions. However, this is not their only advantage. Customized external roller shutters:
Lowering your heating bills is not a simple task. Not every trick recommended on the Internet works equally well. However, roller shutters are an effective, proven and, above all, relatively cheap way to improve thermal insulation and prevent heat loss. What is no less important, their positive impact on the comfort of using subsequent rooms can be noticed regardless of the season.
So the Autumn is here, you cannot spread the time and stop the Summer from going away. But is this Autumn really so bad? The weather may not spoil you -...
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