Window covers and pets - how to protect window covers from damage?

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Regardless of what type of window cover we have chosen, it's contact with animals does not have to have a good effect on it. But does this mean that the presence of a dog or cat in the house forces windows on us without any form of protection against the sun and prying eyes? Fortunately, this is not the only scenario we can use.

What makes blinds and shutters be targeted by animals?

Even before we start looking for window covers that are perfect for a home full of animals, we should consider what is why they are so often damaged by animals. There are at least several reasons for this. So if we get to know the mechanisms that drive the pets, then it will be easier for us to find a solution to the problem.

Dog - protector

A dog left at home knows that it is not only a man's best friend, but also a protector of his property. Its job is to react to the threat and the animal does it to the best of its ability. Unfortunately, this very often happens to the detriment of the window shade. A dog that observes its surroundings carefully, usually perceives the most stimuli that cause its anxiety outside. If the blinds are not closed so that you cannot see anything that is happening outside the window - he will see the movement, he will see passing cars and traffic, and often he can also observe strangers passing by the windows. It doesn't take much for him to think that he has to defend his belongings. Unfortunately, the window is closed, so it is primarily the blind that falls victim to his defender's instinct.

A puppy that likes to bite

Not every dog destroys window blinds because they want to protect their owner from potential threats. If a puppy lives in our house, we are well aware that he can bite through literally anything. He has strong teeth that are shaping, so his behavior is similar to that of a teething child. Unfortunately, a puppy has much more potential when it comes to being destructive.

A dog that misses you

Even with the best intentions, we are not able to be at home with the animal all the time. Some dogs are good at being alone, but this is not the rule. There is no shortage of pets for which the necessity to wait many hours for their owner is a real nightmare. Again, it may be helpful to recall the behavior that is typical of a young child. A dog, like a toddler, has to deal with separation anxiety. The owner's leaving home is a small end of the world for him, as we can see by observing his behavior. If not only the blinds, but also other easily accessible elements are bitten and torn, and the dog does not even allowing us to take off our shoes, demanding welcome caresses - we have just found the source of the problems.

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How to deal with the most common causes of animal damage to curtains and other window blinds?

Understanding the reasons why our window covers are in a deplorable condition is half the success. Then we can start looking for an effective solution to the problem. So if we have the impression that our dog is a protector, leave the blinds and shutters only half closed. This will allow him to observe what is happening outside, and thus - realistically assess what is a threat and what is not. The guardian dog does not destroy window covers out of fear or boredom. He does so because they make it difficult for him to perform the duties that he imposes on himself. Appropriate adjustment of window covers will certainly contribute to the fact that the pet will feel more confident.

Fighting the pet's habit of chewing on anything that comes within reach of its teeth is a bit more complicated. Also in this case, we are not without support. What should guide us in the first place is to set a goal of discouraging him from focusing on window covers. In theory, enough chew toys should solve this problem. However, since this is not always the case, it is also worth looking for other solutions. There are sprays available in pet stores that smell and taste unpleasant for puppies. Spraying them on roller shutters and blinds may make chewing them a little less appealing to your dog. Sometimes a long walk with the puppy just before we leave the house also helps. A tired dog is much less interested in chewing everything around, and much more in resting.

But how to deal when it is the fear of separation that makes the condition of our window covers more and more deplorable? It is not hard to guess that the best solution would be to be at home with your dog all the time. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. Therefore, it is worth securing the blinds and internal shades, for example by lifting them up for the time of our absence at home. It may also be a good idea to provide your dog with extra incentives to concentrate on while awaiting our return. If the problem is getting worse instead of getting better, consider seeing a canine psychologist. This one will certainly find the sources of separation anxiety sooner than we do, but also ways to effectively fight it.

What window covers should I avoid?

The problem of pets destroying window coverings is, at least in part, caused by their guardians. You must be aware that the animal introduces certain restrictions for us, and thus - not every blind purchase will be equally successful. The list of covers that you should avoid, if you do not want to expose them to damage, include:

  • mini blinds made out of aluminium,
  • mini slat blinds,
  • roller blinds with a string mechanism,
  • curtains stretching across the floor,
  • wooden blinds equipped with fabric tapes.

The best window covers for homes full of animals

When there are dogs in the house

Older dogs are usually not interested in window covers. However, as already mentioned, for the younger ones, each of the aforementioned window covers is a challenge that raises the need to face it. So if we expect problems, let's think about vertical blinds first. Their design makes it possible to look out the window without scratching the moldings. These slide apart naturally, so we don't have to worry about either deliberately or accidentally damaging them.

If we do not like vertical blinds, roller blinds may be a better solution. These unfold smoothly and in a more controlled manner, and because they are not made of lamellas, the dog has a hard time when they are lowered and he wants to see what's going on outside the window. Closely adhering to the window, the material can be a challenge also for puppies, who get discouraged by not being able to catch it with their teeth. The advantage of roller shutters is also the possibility of raising them halfway when we are not at home. Thanks to this maneuver, the dog has free access to the window and can observe what is happening behind it unhindered.

An interesting solution may also be wooden blinds in the faux wood version. These have all the advantages of classic solutions of this type, and because the lamellas are quite large and thick, even a dog who likes to touch them with his paws will not get wedged between them. Another advantage of materials imitating wood is that keeping them clean is not a complicated procedure. The dog, seeing the lamellas, will certainly not resist the temptation to place the front paws on them, which are not always clean.

When there are cats at home

Although we have so far paid less attention to cats than to dogs, it cannot be denied that their presence may also affect the condition of blinds and shutters. While dogs don't usually need to climb onto furniture, it's not a problem for cats. Little cats love jumping on window shades and curtains, and all cats, regardless of age or race, love lounging on the window sill and catching the sunrays in this position.

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Therefore, when looking for the safest solutions, it is good to put on free-hanging fabric roller blinds. These are known to give a room coziness, and at the same time provide excellent protection against the sun. You can keep them lowered on a sunny day, or we can easily roll them up to a level that will allow the cat to safely get to the window sill. Of course, also in this case, we must take a few steps to increase the level of safety of our pets:

  • secure the roller shutter control mechanism so that the strings or chains are not within the reach of cat's paws,
  • make sure that the material of the blind is as close as possible to the window surface, because it will discourage cats from climbing it,
  • before buying, make sure that the blinds are easy to clean. We will not avoid cat's paw prints, so let's be sure that we will remove them without unnecessary effort.

Another solution that is worth looking at when there are cats in the house are external blinds. They stay out of the cat's paw reach when the window is closed. Moreover, they successfully fight the temptation typical of many cats to get outside through an open or tilted window. Their high durability means that even the determined runaway cat will have problems squeezing between the lamellas.


The presence of a dog or cat in the house does not mean that there is no need to go without window covers. However, it requires much more caution and a more thoughtful choice from us. It is good to focus not only on the specific types of blinds and shades that are considered more pet friendly. It is also worth remembering that even the best solution will not work if it turns out to be a low-quality proposition. So if we care about the attractive appearance of the rooms and the safety of the animals themselves, let's focus primarily on solutions that are known to be made of the best materials. This will allow us to avoid stress.


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