Behind the seven blinds, or about the adventures of Saint Nicholas

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Behind seven blinds or about the adventures of Santa Claus
Claus slowly opened his eyes, it was still completely dark outside. It's today
he thought - December 6th. Gotta get up. Wear a thick sheepskin coat and warm boots. And it would sit
like a man in front of a fireplace, drank tea with Mrs. Claus. On the other hand, that's it
It will be fun to watch all day long. It's okay, you have to get up.

Santa Claus got up very quietly. He was careful as he could, but unfortunately he knocked off his pajama sleeve
glasses on the bedside table and then... all his blinds started singing. And there were them
seven. Oh, butterfly leg, he thought, I'll eventually replace them with curtains and drapes. Well, really
can't they just be quiet for once? There was not only singing around, but also cheerful conversations and laughter.

You probably already guessed that the blinds of Santa Claus were unusual. Not only unusual, but also
extremely important. They were Claus' window to the world. One of them could see through each of them
continent and its inhabitants. See children and adults, their dreams and innermost
desires. And of course they were polite. It's thanks to Claus' enchanted blinds
always knew what was on a child's wish list. Letters sometimes got lost somewhere
(or those gaping elves misunderstood something). However, in blinds like in a magic ball it was possible
see everything and learn everything.

Santa Claus fully awake and, after drinking a cup of hot coffee, already in a better mood
he smiled under his breath. Talkers because talkers from my blinds, but what would I do without them

We fly


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