Measuring Instructions DEORA Pleated Mosquito Net

The long and trouble-free operation of the product depends not only on the high quality of its manufacture but also on the correct fitting and installation. To ensure the mosquito net fits perfectly, the chosen location must be correctly and carefully measured.
It is imperative to follow the instructions in the diagrams below.

Deora AB
  • A - WIDTH This is the width of the external door recess.
  • B - HEIGHT This is the height of the external door recess.

The DEORA mosquito net can be used for doors that open inward into the building.

Dimensions A and B will be the dimensions of the finished product.

Dimensions of the Mosquito Net when Folded

Mosquito Net Width [mm] min. kit width [mm]
minimum maximum
600 800 120
801 1200 130
1201 1600 145
1601 2000 155
2001 2400 170
2401 3000 185
3001 4000 210
Mosquito Net Width
Mosquito Net Width
Kit Width
Kit Width

Control Side - DEORA Mosquito Net

The control side is determined from the outside of the building.

Control on the left

Control on the left

Control on the right

Control on the right

Components of the Pleated Mosquito Net



sliding profile

sliding profile

low bottom profile

low bottom profile

angled bottom profile

angled bottom profile

high bottom profile

high bottom profile

*All dimensions are given in millimeters.